Saturday, November 08, 2008

Let California Ring

I NEVER post on here, you know, get the occasional blurb on Live Journal, but today I am inspired.

By this:

As a married straight women (and one that volunteered with No on 8) I feel it is beyond important that I lend my voice to this outrage. because as a childless couple, CLEARLY defying the laws of "traditional marriage" I have a feeling we are next.

So yeah, one for the road...

Friday, March 18, 2005


Ok, they JUST proved my point.... I gave in and I like Live Journal much better.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Wow! First post!

And probably my last. I have been asked to do this and live journal by friends who apparently aren't aware of how lazy I am. But I will give it my best shot.

Um, there, that was my best shot for today...